Types Of Structures
Pretoria Standard Greenhouse
Our standard greenhouses are designed for commercial operations and are ideal for growing a wide range of crops. These structures are available in various sizes and can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Pretoria Multi-span Tunnels
Multi-span tunnels are perfect for farmers who need extra space for growing their crops. These structures are available in a range of sizes and can be customized to meet your requirements.
Pretoria Roll-up Tunnels
Roll-up tunnels are versatile and easy to use. They can be rolled up or down depending on the weather conditions, making them ideal for farmers who need to adapt to changing weather patterns.
Pretoria Hobby Tunnels
Our hobby tunnels are perfect for small-scale farmers and home gardeners. These structures are available in smaller sizes and are designed to be easy to set up and maintain.
Pretoria Shade Net Houses
Shade net houses are ideal for growing crops that require partial shade. These structures provide a protected environment for your plants while allowing some sunlight to penetrate.